2019 Lake Minnetonka Open Log Rolling Tournament at James J Hill Days
8:00 AM08:00

2019 Lake Minnetonka Open Log Rolling Tournament at James J Hill Days

  • James J Hill Days in Wayzata, MN (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Welcome Log Rollers! The 2019 Lake Minnetonka Open will once again bring log rolling competition to Lake Street in Wayzata in the heart of the James J Hill Days Festival (https://jamesjhilldays.com) on the first weekend after Labor Day, Saturday September 7, 2019. This is a great community festival and the perfect log rolling venue overlooking Lake Minnetonka. Spectators and competitors alike are thrilled by fast paced, exciting log rolling competition.

Location: Key Log Rolling pools on Lake Street between Manitoba Avenue and Minnetonka Avenue in Wayzata, MN

This tournament is sanctioned by United States Aquatic Log Rolling Association (USA Log Rolling). www.usalogrolling.com

Competition is open to all ability levels. Divisions will include:

U7 Co-Ed (must be 7 or younger on January 1, 2019)

U10 Boys (must be 10 or younger on January 1, 2019)

U10 Girls (must be 10 or younger on January 1, 2019)

U13 Boys (must be 13 or younger on January 1, 2019)

U13 Girls (must be 13 or younger on January 1, 2019)

U17 Boys (must be 17 or younger on January 1, 2019)

U17 Girls (must be 17 or younger on January 1, 2019)

Open Adult Men (any age any ability)*

Open Adult Women (any age any ability)*

All divisions will compete on Saturday, September 7, 2019. Division start times will be announced and emailed to competitors on or before September 5th, 2019.

With an emphasis on providing competitive experience in a supportive and festive environment, each competitor should expect to have several matches in a round robin and/or multi-round tournament format that could include a preliminary round robin and a bracketed final round.

Training Fins will be used at the tournament director's discretion based on the ability of the least experienced roller in each match. For more information on rules and regulations, please see USA Log Rolling: http://usalogrolling.sportyhq.com/w/rules-and-regulations

Registration includes free open rolling practice on Friday night at the same venue in the Key Log Rolling pools on Lake St in Wayzata from 5pm - 7pm. Come try out Key Logs and practice with other competitors.

*New this year: The Open Adult Men's and Women's divisions will be comprised of two rounds. The first round will consist of all abilities (beginner thru elite) competing together, round-robin-style. Based on the results from the first round, the competitors will be divided into two separate divisions for the second round. Awards will be given to each division. Here's why we're excited about all adult log rollers competing together:

1. New and aspiring adult log rollers will have a chance to compete against and gain experience from elite log rollers.

2. All abilities rolling together will create a larger and more diverse adult field, with the goal of encouraging those who have been "out of the game" to come back and compete in a fun and friendly atmosphere!

3. This is a chance for elite log rollers to experiment with techniques and maneuvers, post competitive season.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Minneapolis Log Rolling Club + Key Log Rolling

Sign Up Here



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4th Annual 2019 MLRC Indoor Open
1:15 PM13:15

4th Annual 2019 MLRC Indoor Open

Register for the 2019 MLRC Indoor Open

4th annual MLRC Indoor Open hosted by the Minneapolis Log Rolling Club. 
Location: St. Paul Pool of the U of MN : 1536 Cleveland Ave N, St Paul, MN 55108
Parking: on street in nearby neighborhoods or meters in parking lot

Warmups will start at 1:15 pm. Matches will begin at 2pm and we have the pool for 5 Hrs. 

All abilities and all ages are welcome to compete. Beginners are welcomed. 

Your division is determined by the age you were on January 1, 2019. If you were 7 or under on January 1, 2019 you will compete in U7, if you were 10 or under on January 1, 2019 you will compete in U10. 

All competition will occur on Key Logs. Training Fins will be used at tournament director's discretion based on the ability of the least experienced roller in each match. Matches will be timed at 1 minute and training fins will be removed every minute that occurs with out a fall. Matches taking place on yellow Key Log will be rolled out until falls are completed.

Each competitor can expect to have several matches in a round robin and/or multi-round tournament format. 


Register for the 2019 MLRC Indoor Open

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Log Lover's Roleo 2019
1:15 PM13:15

Log Lover's Roleo 2019

Register for Log Lover’s Roleo

You know you love it …declare your love for log rolling once and for all at the
3rd annual Log Lover's Roleo hosted by the Minneapolis Log Rolling Club. 
Location: St. Paul Pool of the U of MN : 1536 Cleveland Ave N, St Paul, MN 55108
Parking: on street in nearby neighborhoods or meters in parking lot

Warmups will start at 1:15 pm. Matches will begin at 2pm and we have the pool for 5 Hrs. 

All abilities and all ages are welcome to compete. Beginners are welcomed. 

Your division is determined by the age you were on January 1, 2019. If you were 7 or under on January 1, 2019 you will compete in U7, if you were 10 or under on January 1, 2019 you will compete in U10. 

All competition will occur on Key Logs. Training Fins will be used at tournament director's discretion based on the ability of the least experienced roller in each match. Matches will be timed at 1 minute and training fins will be removed every minute that occurs with out a fall. Matches taking place on yellow Key Log will be rolled out until falls are completed.

Each competitor can expect to have several matches in a round robin and/or multi-round tournament format. 


Register for Log Lover’s Roleo

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MLRC Fall Open house and kick-off to the indoor season!
5:00 PM17:00

MLRC Fall Open house and kick-off to the indoor season!

Join us at our fall and winter home in the Cooke 10 pool at the U of MN in the Recwell building at 123 Harvard St. SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 on Sunday, October 21 from 5 - 6:30

Take our club for a roll! Whether it is your first time on a log or you’re a seasoned log roller. Come get a taste of what its like to be in an all ages, energetic log rolling club that is dedicated to fun, fitness, improving log rolling skills and providing competition experience for its members.

This event is free and open to the public but you must PRE-REGISTER and sign our waiver.

Our indoor season starts October 30 and you can find registration information here.

Wear water friendly athletic apparel or swim-wear and bring a towel.

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FREE Log Rolling Lesson and Open House at St. Paul Campus Pool UofMN Recwell
4:00 PM16:00

FREE Log Rolling Lesson and Open House at St. Paul Campus Pool UofMN Recwell

U of MN Recwell St. Paul Campus Pool is hosting a night where families can stop by and learn how to log roll together. ITs free and exciting and you don't need to have any experience.  Come learn something new and enjoy it with the kids.  Bring a swimming suit and towel. No need to be a member.  Free and Open to the public

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MLRC Indoor Fall 2017 - Winter 2018 Session 1
5:00 PM17:00

MLRC Indoor Fall 2017 - Winter 2018 Session 1

Register Here

Each registered member will be entitled to roll 3 hours a week for 6 weeks during Session 1. Please note that the club will NOT meet on Nov. 26th and 27th (Thanksgiving break)

Youth (under 18*) 

Kids will have one hr per week of kids-only coach led practice from 5pm - 6pm on Sundays. Kids are also encouraged to open-roll during the all ages hours of 6-7pm on Sundays and 7:30 - 8:30 on Mondays. Although there will be a elite level log roller coach present to provide guidance and log rolling expertise, that coach is not expected to act like a teacher and control behavior of the "class". Parents are responsible for their kids' behavior; making sure everyone present can concentrate on developing log rolling skills. That being said, there will be a lifeguard on duty at all times and parents may stay or drop-off and leave as they see fit. Basic swim skills are required unless parents are in the water with their child. 

Adults (over 16*)

Adults will have one hr per week of adults-only coach led practice from 6:30 - 7:30 on Mondays. Adults are also encouraged to open-roll during the all ages hours of 6-7pm on Sundays and 7:30 - 8:30 on Mondays. 

Coach-led Training

MLRC is extremely lucky to have several elite level log rollers among its ranks. These elite rollers will take turns volunteering during the first hour of each night to provide some structure, training ideas and coaching. Each coach will apply their own style, personality, and experience to the job and the structure will thus vary from week to week. We believe this will provide a rich, skills-developing environment for MLRC members. Please note, that the elite rollers who volunteer as coaches during the coach-led hours will be focusing on their own training during the open-rolling hours. 

All Ages Open Rolling

Everyone will open-roll together from 6pm - 7pm on Mondays and from 7:30 - 8:30 on Mondays. Open-Rolling means that individuals are responsible for sharing equipment and time on logs in an all-ages ,communal environment. Our club ethos is to have fun and help each other develop log rolling skills. While responsible adults and elite level rollers will likely be present, and constructive rolling advice is always free flowing; these open-rolling sessions will not be coach-led or structured. 


All MLRC rollers and the parents of youth MLRC rollers will be communally responsible for getting logs out of the closet and filling them up at the beginning of each training night as well as emptying and returning logs to the closet at the end of each training night. It is incumbant on members to ensure that equipment is being shared evenly and used properly. 

Take us for a test roll at the MLRC Indoor Open House on Oct. 29- SIGN UP HERE

*if you are at least 16 and not 18 years of age, you may choose which coach led session to attend (adults or kids). Please come to only one per week.

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Great Minnesota Roll Together : Minnesota State Fair Log Rolling Tournament
8:00 AM08:00

Great Minnesota Roll Together : Minnesota State Fair Log Rolling Tournament

  • Minnesota State Fair on Cooper St near Lee Ave (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for the first ever Log Rolling Tournament at the Minnesota State Fair

At the Key Log Rolling Booth near the North Woods Exhibit.  Come show off your skills at the Great Minnesota Roll Together!

All ages - must have taken at least one log rolling course


Eventbrite registration Sign Up HERE

Event is jointly hosted by Key Log Rolling and Minneapolis Log Rolling Club

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Three Rivers Park District Roleo
6:00 PM18:00

Three Rivers Park District Roleo

Three Rivers Park District is hosting a fun summer roleo (Log Rolling Tournament) at Bryant Lake Regional Park.

You can find the on-line registration portal here:  https://web2.vermontsystems.com/wbwsc/mnthreeriverswt.wsc/search.html?module=AR&location=BRY

Contact Heather Gordon for more details:  hgordon@threeriversparkdistrict.org


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